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Home / New Mexico Cannabis News / Taos County Sees Large Increase in Medical Marijuana Patients

Taos County Sees Large Increase in Medical Marijuana Patients

In the last five years in Taos County the number of medical marijuana patients has increased from 195 to 1,305. NewMexicann Natural Medicine is the only company permitted to operate in the county. Growth has occurred statewide with almost 48,000 registered patients, according to the most recent data available.

Michael Cloutman, assistant manager of one NewMexicann Natural Medicine location, says that more younger people have moved to Colorado, according to Taos News. In the first six years of legal medical marijuana in New Mexico, Taos had no dispensaries available. NewMexicann Natural Medicine opened three years ago.

Cloutman said, “We’re seeing an increase in clientele and a wider spectrum – from young to very old. At first, it was mostly young people. Now there seems to be more older people, 70s, 80s and 90s.”

PTSD and chronic pain are the two most common diagnoses for medical marijuana patients in the state.

Cloutman said, “But now with the older age group, the conditions have really expanded.”

In the older age groups, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease are more common diagnoses.