The National Cancer Institute (NCI), which is the federal government’s principal agency for cancer research and training, has confirmed that marijuana ...
August, 2015
24 August
AZ Legalization Initiative Could Generate $40M for Education
The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, a ballot initiative to legalize marijuana for adult use in Arizona, estimates that marijuana ...
23 August
Marijuana Possession Has Been Decriminalized in Miami Beach
Lawmakers in Miami Beach have passed a new law that allows police to give a $100 citation to persons possessing under 20 ...
21 August
Medical Marijuana Cardholder Suing Nevada for Fruad
A Nevada medical marijuana cardholder has brought a federal class action lawsuit against Nevada, the Nevada Department of Health and Human ...
19 August
Study: Marijuana Found to Help Overcome Sleeping Problems
According to a study published in the journal, Addictive Behaviors, sufferers of sleep disorders can find relief with marijuana. Investigators from John ...
18 August
Ohio to Vote for Marijuana Legalization on Nov. 2015 Ballot
Ohio citizens will be voting on recreational and medical marijuana legalization measures on their ballot in November 2015. The Marijuana Legalization ...
16 August
States with Campaigns to Legalize Marijuana for Recreational Use
The legalization of marijuana for recreational use has been very successful in Colorado and Washington state. State tax revenues have increased, ...
14 August
8 Crazy Marijuana Strain Names You Ought to Know
The vast history of human marijuana consumption and an emerging U.S. marijuana industry have brought about an incredible array of crazy ...
13 August
Arizona Reaches 80K Medical Marijuana Patients & Caregivers
More than 80,000 people are currently qualified to legally possess, cultivate, or sell marijuana for medicinal purposes in Arizona. The latest ...
13 August
Innovative Dispensary Designs Delivering New Revenue Highs
Marijuana dispensaries around the U.S. are capitalizing on interior design investments. TruMed dispensary, located in Phoenix, Arizona, recently debuted their new ...