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Group Files California Marijuana Legalization Initiative

California Marijuana

California is one step closer to legalizing marijuana for adult recreational use.

The California Coalition for Cannabis Policy Reform (ReformCA) has officially filed its draft marijuana legalization initiative with state officials. The Control, Regulate and Tax Cannabis Act of 2016 would allow adults 21 and over to possess and grow limited amounts of marijuana. The Act would also create two new state agencies: the Office of Cannabis Regulatory Affairs and the California Cannabis Commission.

“We engaged in extensive discussions with thousands of stakeholders across California, including community leaders, activists, elected officials, city and county employees and locals… we believe this effort has the most statewide input and consensus, and thus the greatest likelihood of succeeding on the 2016 ballot,” said ReformCA.

A few other legalization initiatives have already been filed with the state, and some are approved for signature gathering, but there is little evidence that any of them have the funding or manpower needed to succeed.

It will take more than 350,000 valid voter signatures to qualify for California’s November 2016 elections.